
Our story

“Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth and forevermore!” (Psalm 113:2)

The dream

It started with a dream and a conversation between two best friends in 2012. She desperately wanted to open a Christian store. He was eager to fulfil her dream. However, it would take many years and blessed life adventures before God made this particular ambition a reality.

Although Beth Maryam was founded as a dream, a concept and even the name itself already in 2012, Beth Maryam officially started in 2023 as a Christian (web)shop with the goal of providing quality and somewhat unique/exclusive faithful and God-honouring Christian products.

And as encouragement and inspiration from God for our work, from 2012 we followed this lovely Bible verse to guide us in our Christian projects:

“Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3)

Therefore, it is our intention as Beth Maryam, to commit our works and plans and ambitions to the Lord, and we ask Him to bless and establish this old dream of ours. 

Our goal

The goal of Beth Maryam is always our origin and our Lord and God: Jesus Christ. We want to honour His Name with everything we do. Therefore we also chose this particular Bible verse as the motto for our lives:

“Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth and forevermore!” (Psalm 113:2)

So that everything we do, is for the glory of God – also as Beth Maryam Christian Shop, by providing quality and somewhat unique/exclusive faithful and God-honouring Christian products, we want to honour His Name and remind people of God’s goodness, greatness and grace all around them, at home, at work, on the road – everywhere!

We also have as a stated goal a threefold purpose:

  1. For the glory of God.
  2. For the exaltation of the Church.
  3. For the benefit of the faithful people.

We want that the name of God will be honoured and spread through our products. We want that the Church – the holy institute of God on Earth will be exalted. And we want that the (faithful) people shall benefit from the use of our products – that when they see them or use them, they remember God, and glorify Him and get closer to the Lord!

And with this, we also say: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15) We say it and we want to spread it!

And we share these three inspiring Bible verses and this threefold goal with our main collaborative partner inSpirit, which develops many of our products.

Charitable purposes

As Christians, it is always our duty and our ambition to use our resources to help our brothers and sisters in need. This is why we always have a charitable component in our business and our projects. We also want you as a customer to know that you are not only buying a beautiful and high-quality exclusive faithful and God-honouring Christian product – you are also contributing to the charitable cause.

We always allocate at least 10% (according to the Biblical rule of tithing) of our profits to charity. Thank you for contributing by purchasing a product from Beth Maryam.

Thank you for being a part of our story going further…